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Family Code Of Conduct

Each family (parents and children) participating in Heritage Haven Homeschool Cooperative are asked to abide by the Code of Conduct in conjunction with the standards of faith and principles held by Heritage Haven.


All Heritage Haven parents and children agree to:


-Conduct themselves in a manner that honors God and is a positive reflection on Christ and His body.

-Be respectful of all teachers, parents, students, guest speakers, hosts and of the property of the meeting location (homes, public locations). Matthew 7:12

-Arrive for class/meetings in a timely manner.

-Give the teachers your respect by actively listening and participating. This includes being non-disruptive with electronic devices.

-Use no profanity, unwholesome talk, or insulting words. Ephesians 4:29

- Be responsible for repairing or replacing an item or property that is defaced or destroyed. 

-Dress in a manner that adequately covers the body in a God-honoring way.

-Encourage one another and build each other up with our words and actions. Romans 14:19 


Parents that teach group classes will:

- Agree to not teach anything that is contrary to Biblical truth, Christian beliefs and values, the Heritage Haven Statement of Faith and, the Heritage Haven Statement of Principles.

-Submit a summary of each lesson to the Heritage Haven directors before a class begins.

-Communicate effectively with parents about their child’s needs, progress, behavior, etc.

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Heritage Haven is available to families in North West WI.

Most events will take place in Rusk, Chippewa, Sawyer and Barron Counties. For more information use the Contact US form or call.

Liz's Cell: 757-309-5834

Rachel's Cell: 715-651-6236

© 2023 by Whatever IS True Homeschool Cooperative

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