Did you know that 90% of a child’s brain develops by age 5?

From birth to age 5, a child’s brain develops more, and more rapidly, than at any other time in life (see articles linked below).
During these first five years of life, who is the primary caretaker and facilitator of the experiences that shape this development? Moms and Dads!
This makes you, mom or dad, a teacher! A teacher is simply one who instructs and you have been instructing your child since birth and in the most critical period of development. Being a teacher means so much more than having a license from the state of fill in the blank.
You’ve heard the questions before: “So…are you a teacher?” “And where did you get your teaching degree?” “What makes you think you’re qualified to do/say/question _______?”
So next time you run into a situation where you are receiving pushback for taking an active role your child’s education (especially as active as homeschooling) remember your qualifiers— you are mom/dad! You are an instructor, a teacher, a facilitator of learning, a creator of environment and experience. You are qualified.
Articles of interest: https://files.firstthingsfirst.org/why-early-childhood-matters/the-first-five-years